We offer several ways to allow tuition to fit any family budget. Our goal is to make dance affordable for everyone.

We offer:

  • Fundraisers

  • Sibling Discounts

  • Dance Bundle Packages

    • Add a class for only $5 a month

Payments can be made by check, cash, debit/credit cards, automatic draft or online.


45 Mins - 1Hour……………………………$60 per month

1.5 hours…………………………………………..$65 per month

2.0 hours…………………………………………..$75 per month

2.5 hours…………………………………………..$85 per month

3.0 hours…………………………………………..$95 per month

3.5 hours…………………………………………..$100 per month

4.0 hours…………………………………………..$115 per month

4.5 hours…………………………………………..$125 per month